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Tuesday, 6 April 2010

The Absolute Law

So from the last post, how do we know if there is a higher moral law or rule, that really exists? Well, why can we not live up to what we think is right and wrong? Why is this so? Some people may say 'because we are not perfect', but that is not the same question- I am questioning why we are not perfect. And if we were never meant to be perfect, why do right and wrong exist? Or rather, why is there a higher standard than what we can live up to if we were never meant to be able to live up to it? What I am saying is that deep down, we all seem to know that we should be better than we actually are; we should be perfect. (If we were perfect, we wouldn't have this thought that we should be better, because better wouldn't exist and so we know that we are not perfect). Since we know that there is a perfect standard, somebody must have set it, or lived it out in order that we feel we are not as good as that or them. It cannot have been man made, this law, because if there was no law and then we created it, we wouldn't know any better than what we knew and so couldn't create something better than that.
For example, people ought to be unselfish; not that people are unselfish, not that they like being unselfish, but that they should be. Therefore this law is not simply a fact about human behaviour, nor is it a 'mere fancy' as C.S. Lewis puts it. We cannot get rid of the idea and if it was just a fancy, most of the things we say about peoples' behaviour has no factual basis and is just nonsense. It is also not a statement about how we would like people to behave for our own convenience 'for the behaviour we call bad or unfair is not exactly the same as the behaviour we find inconvenient, and may even be the opposite.'
In conclusion, the law does not exist because of an absolute fact such as our behaviour itself, but it is not made up by us either, therefore there is a different kind of existence. It is above the mere facts of what people do, it is more set in stone than that, it just is, and is 'pressing on us'.

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