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Saturday, 3 April 2010

What is a Woman?

Everything I knew about life I learnt from my friends, TV, magazines and my family. From this information and my own personal experiences I put together my own philosophy of life, and from this my identity formed as I grew up. A series of events caused me to analyse all these sources and I realised I couldn't trust any of them.

I couldn't trust them because they had all let me down.

I felt alone, which is strange, because every human being who ever was, is, or is to come is the same as me in this.

What if there was, in fact, a true definition of me, one which was above all these sources and was, well, the 'true' one? How would I find out? Well, I would have to contact the creator, the definer who gave me my definition!

I wanted to know who I was, and looked so deeply into it that I questioned whether I even knew what my role as a woman was, and truth is I didn't.

In this blog I am not discovering or revealing something new. It has always existed, from the beginning of time, before the creation of the world... whichever came first! It is the truth, but it is not everything. It is just part of the exploration of life- which I may create another blog on, but I felt a calling to do this first. For comfort, I am in no place in this blog going to give you answers which are formulated from my sole mind or experience. I am going to back it up with many sources which helped me, and work through it together. My main sources will be the book 'Mere Christianity' by C.S. Lewis, and the Bible book Genesis (New International Version). However, my thoughts will not start off with a Christian or religious influence at all, but a human one. So tell me, What is a Woman?

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